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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Are the complexities of life our own making?

When the first man came to this planet, he was given a special control over all creation prior to him. He had the never before perceived ability of analysis and design and the choice of scenarios that presented themselves to him. Creations before him were either eternally submissive like the angels, incapable of vice or eternally nonconforming like the Satan, incapable of good. It was the human kind that had the ability to put all gifts of nature to use in the pursuit of survival and then eventually in the search for prosperity. 
Life, came unto us as punishment and then the Almighty forgave the first man and gifted him with all the treasures of the world. He showed him ways of getting the most out of land and water. He gave him grain and fruits for nourishment and forests with wood that provided opportunities of shelter. He made him lord over cattle so that man could travel and have ample dietary options.

The creator spread Earth's treasures in such a manner geographically that one region became dependent on the other for goods and food. Trade was hence provided as a manner of earning wealth and also as a mode of its transfer.

The question then arises that what caused these very natural tools of sustenance of life to become unapproachable to the common man. The answer may lie in our own faulty designs. As man evolved he made life difficult for himself. He didn't realize that the ability to reason and analyze was not bestowed upon him to devise alternatives to nature but to optimally reap the riches that lie buried in the depths of our planet. Industrialization, corporate culture, modern commutation, unequal global laws of war governed by the powerful few, trade orders are just a few example of man complicating his life and hence making it hard to live. In olden times a tribe would announce war on the other and the weaker would succumb to the mightier. Now, world powers politicize wars to harbor agendas of monopoly. In the past men grew crops and had plenty to eat, they had cattle and were seldom hungry. The rise of urbanization created a hoaxed competition for money, which in turn is a false standard of wealth aimed at exercising control over the less fortunate ones. Time of travel was a key factor in trade in the gone era. As we reduced the time of commutation, we also reduced the time in which trade was carried out. This in turn has caused smaller trade in faster time with smaller profits and no respite whatsoever. A trader in the past would trade spices to a far away land by ship in six months and rest for three months. This way he enjoyed work and life. Now, we trade online and hardly get time for a weekend with the family!

There can be many examples of how we have complicated our lives but I would want to give a concluding remark. The creator made life as simple as the satisfaction of hunger, instinct and breeding, we however, complicated the acquisition of these goals by constructing alternatives to there natural courses of achievement. Happiness may still lie only in the pursuit of natural means of fulfillment of these three basic desires of man.

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